Forty four members, representing fourteen different WI’s, enjoyed a super morning’s kurling organised by the SEFWI Arts & Leisure committee. There were so many members wanting to play that two sessions were arranged with generous portions of coffee & cake in between.
Kurling is very like green bowls or ‘real’ curling, as the nearest stone to the centre of the target mat wins. But it’s surprisingly tricky to get the wheeled stones to reach the mats. Some of us had played before (though this was not obvious from some of our efforts!) but this is a game where you quickly learn the ropes. Wendy organised us into teams of four mixing the different WI’s so we made new friends – as always happens at events like these.
This is a game where all abilities can join in as ‘pusher sticks’ are available for those who cannot bend. The kit is available to hire from SEFWI so WI’s can easily organise their own games if their meeting hall has a suitable floor. This will provide a fun evening and a change from having a speaker.
Thank you to the Arts & Leisure Committee for arranging the day.