Butley, Chillesford & Wantisden

  • Members: 17
  • Meetings: Every 3rd Thursday at 1:00pm
  • Address: Village Hall, Mill Lane, Butley IP12 3PA
  • Activities:
    • Book Club
    • Outings

We are a very friendly and laid-back group whose members are always ready to welcome new friends. Our ethos is very much one of mutual respect, friendship, and support. Our members enjoy learning about new topics from our guest speakers or just getting together for a chat over tea and cake. New members and visitors are always welcome.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 1pm (winter) or 7:15pm (summer, April to September inclusive) in the Village Hall in Butley, except where otherwise indicated.

2024 Programme

18th Jan 1pm Chris Parfitt – Along China’s Silk Road

15th Feb 1pm John Humphries – Plant Heritage

21st Mar 1pm  Edmund Nicholls – Ghosts of Ipswich and Suffolk

18th Apr 7.15pm Tony Brown – Fascinating Fungi

16th May 7.15pm Resolutions – Tim Parker – The Life of a Commercial Airline Captain

20th Jun   Garden Party – The secretary has the information

18th Jul Summer Outing – Picnic   

15th Aug 7.15pm  Hattie Bennett – The Cello: My Life in Music

19th Sep  Suffolk Punch Trust Visit

17th Oct 1pm Norma Howell – Medical Detection Dogs

21st  Nov 1pm Annual Meeting followed by an Auction

19th Dec 1pm Christmas Party  
